Sunday, August 24, 2008

Check it out!

Okay so my family meets every Sunday for our "Fat Meeting" we write our weight on the board and set goal for the week. We have a goal weight that we want to be at by 11/2/2008, so we have to be encouraged to good each week so we will make that goal. I thought that if I started a blog and posted every ones weight, goal, and a picture of them each week then they might be more likely to loose weight that week. Anyway check it out, the more people that look at it the more likely we are to not want to look like big fatso's!!!!!!!!


Farris said...

I think this is a great way to keep everybody motivated! I could even join once I have this baby. I've been working out a lot more with this pregnancy so hopefully I can get back in shape easier. Call me sometime! 928-651-0442

Meghan Carbonneau said...

Hi Kendra,
This is Meghan Carbonneau (Fenn). I started doing the same thing on a blog of my own (only I haven't posted my weight yet...i'm not that brave!!) Anyway, mine's more of a fitness/health blog to keep me motivated but I also have some goals of weight loss. Keep up the good work!

Leah Martineau said...

You are a 122 pounds and want to lose weight!!! Um I weight that is highschool and I know I will never even get to that again. You are to cute.

The Price Family said...

Great is always easier to loose weight when you do it with someone else! Hope you guys have great luck...and yeah 122, you look great!